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PMMU #25 - CERN New Radiation Monitoring System (CROME) : from an in-house development to a full-scale mass production



Dmitry Gudkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU)), James Devine (CERN), Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN), Muhammed Sameed, Pierre Bonnal (CERN), Thijs Wijnands (CERN)


Ionizing radiation monitoring is one of the main concerns of the Radiation Protection Group at CERN. After 30 years of reliable service, the ARea CONtroller (ARCON) system has reached the end of its lifecycle and is currently being replaced by new, more efficient radiation monitors with a high level of reliability and modularity to ensure better maintainability.  
The new CERN RadiatiOn Monitoring Electronic (CROME) system is a full in-house development that will cover all CERN sites and experiments. It has new detection front ends that are capable of measuring very low electrical current down to the femtoampere (6000 electrons/s) whilst being able to measure radiation over an extensive range of 9 decades without any auto scaling. CROME is a fully decentralized architecture. It is among the very first safety systems that uses versatile heterogeneous System on Chips to perform autonomous complex calculations and determine the values of safety-critical outputs that trigger alarms and machine interlocks. Decisions are made every 100ms based on around 150 run-time configurable parameters with a
probability of dangerous failure per hour of 9.28 10-8 [fpmh] and a safe failure fraction of 97.4%.

Combining innovation to reliability is often paradoxical due to the inherent risks linked with the exploration of uncharted territories. Integrating innovation efforts with risk management could help in achieving success. However, inappropriate risk management might inhibit the creativity that is needed for innovation.

In this presentation Hamza Boukabache will describe the development process that he has set and followed to manage the CROME project. He will cover both the development and production phases with a specific focus on the key success factors that he has identified to balance between innovation, risks and reliability. 

About the speaker

Photo Hamza Boukabache

Hamza Boukabache is an electronic engineer working at the radiation protection group of CERN since 2015. He is currently leading CROME Project and managing a team in charge of the development and manufacturing of new instrument for ionizing radiation monitoring.

Before joining CERN, Hamza was in charge of the development and the production of the on-ground validation system of the ATR-72 600 airplane flight control system.

Hamza has several degrees in electronics, automatic control and micro & nano-systems. He has received many awards for his research work in aerospace field within the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Airbus. He was the recipient of the Engineering Sciences Prize from Toulouse academy of science in 2014, the GEET Prize in 2013 for the best PhD research work among 5 universities and nominated the same year for the 6th top innovations in the French aerospace cluster.


Event organised by the CERN's community of practice dedicated to project management, systems engineering and program management.
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