Dave Newbold
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
20/05/2021, 12:05
Mark Palmer
20/05/2021, 12:25
Daniel Schulte
20/05/2021, 13:10
Roberto Losito
20/05/2021, 13:25
Shinji Machida
20/05/2021, 14:10
Donatella Lucchesi
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)),
Donatella Lucchesi
20/05/2021, 14:15
Kazami Yamamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
20/05/2021, 14:15
J. Scott Berg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
20/05/2021, 14:35
Nikolai Mokhov
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
20/05/2021, 14:40
Paul Kyberd
(Brunel University (GB))
20/05/2021, 15:10
Yunhai Cai
Yuri Nosochkov
20/05/2021, 15:30
Andrei Shishlo
20/05/2021, 15:50
Matthias Mentink
20/05/2021, 16:05
Adrian Hillier
(UKRI/STFC - ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon source)
20/05/2021, 16:10
Vitaly Pronskikh
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
20/05/2021, 16:30
Anton Lechner
20/05/2021, 16:40
Bertrand Echenard
(California Institute of Technology)
20/05/2021, 16:50
Nikolai Mokhov
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
20/05/2021, 17:40
Chris Rogers
20/05/2021, 18:00
Jean-Baptiste Lagrange
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
20/05/2021, 18:20
Diktys Stratakis
20/05/2021, 18:20
David Neuffer
20/05/2021, 18:40
Yagmur Torun
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
20/05/2021, 19:00
Katsuya Yonehara
20/05/2021, 19:00
Elias Metral
20/05/2021, 19:10
Katsuya Yonehara
20/05/2021, 19:20
Chris Densham
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
20/05/2021, 19:20
Tord Johan Carl Ekelof
(Uppsala University (SE))
21/05/2021, 09:00
Claudia Christina Ahdida
21/05/2021, 09:20
Christian Carli
21/05/2021, 09:30
Shinji Machida
21/05/2021, 09:55
Elias Metral
21/05/2021, 10:20
Nadia Pastrone
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
21/05/2021, 17:15
15 min presentation + 10 min questions
Kenneth Long
21/05/2021, 17:40
Roberto Losito
21/05/2021, 18:25