13–19 Sept 2007
The Birchcliffe Centre
Europe/Zurich timezone


Parallel Session 1 (b) - Low Background Experiments

13 Sept 2007, 16:00
The Birchcliffe Centre

The Birchcliffe Centre

Birchliffe Road HEBDEN BRIDGE West Yorkshire HX7 7BT UK

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Matthew ROBINSON (University of Sheffield, UK)
13/09/2007, 16:00
Geant4 Users Conference : Low background
Dr Mikhail Kosov (CERN, ITEP(MOSCOW))
13/09/2007, 16:20
Luciano PANDOLA (INFN, Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy)
13/09/2007, 16:40
Geant4 Users Conference : Low background
Ben MORGAN (University of Warwick, UK)
13/09/2007, 17:00
Geant4 Users Conference : Low background
13/09/2007, 17:20
Geant4 Users Conference : Low background
Building timetable...