22–24 Jun 2011
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tutorial 6. Everything you always wanted to know about OA en OAI but were afraid to ask

22 Jun 2011, 09:00
2h 30m
0160 (University of Geneva)


University of Geneva


Mrs Alma SwanMrs Astrid van Wesenbeeck (SPARC Euroope)Mrs Birgit SchmidtMr Eloy RodriguesMrs Heather JosephMr Marnix van BerchumMr Tom Cochrane


Open Access and its associated concepts (OAI, Open data, Open Educational Resources, Open Innovation, Open Science, etc) is a broad and fairly complex area of development, research and policy. We present an Open Access Corner café at OAI7 to bring together a number of experts and ‘old hands’ to answer questions and present overviews on various topics (chosen by delegates as well as us) to make sure that everyone who wants to know something about a particular issue – or even many issues! - can come to this event and learn.

Presentation materials

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