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22–24 Jun 2011
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Observing the Impact of Green Open Access: The PEER Project

23 Jun 2011, 14:35
University of Geneva

University of Geneva


Mrs Barbara Kalumenos (STM)Mr Christoph Bruch (MPG)


PEER (Publishing and the Ecology of European Research), supported by the EC eContent+ programme, investigates the effects of the large-scale, systematic depositing of authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts on reader access, author visibility, and journal viability, as well as on the broader ecology of European research. The project is a collaboration of publishers, repositories and researchers and will last from 2008 to May 2012. In the first part of the talk the speakers () will explain the technical challenges which were overcome by the project and the participating publishing houses in setting up the PEER observatory. The second part of the talk is focused on presenting the lessons learnt from setting up the complex project infrastructure (PEER observatory) and the preliminary findings of the three PEER research projects. Those are addressing behavioral, usage and economic research.

Presentation materials