21–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Exclusive Vub determination from QCD - solution to Vub puzzle?

22 Sept 2021, 14:55
Flavor Flavor


Blazenka Melic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)


We revisit light-cone sum rule predictions for the full set of local B → π form factors, with focus on the systematic uncertainties that affect this method and carry out a combined fit with the precise lattice QCD results for all form factors simultaneously, in order to provide the most up-to-date exclusive determination of |Vub|. From the world average of the semileptonic B0 → π l ν decay we obtain |Vub| = (3.77 ± 0.15) · 10−3, which is in agreement with the most recent inclusive determination at the 1σ level.
We provide numerical results for the form factor parameters – including their covariance —based on simultaneous fit of all three form factors to both the sum rule and lattice QCD result and give up-to-date predictions for B → π l ν observables that probe lepton-flavour universality and non-standard weak effective couplings.

Primary author

Blazenka Melic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)


Domagoj Leljak (Rudjer Boskovic Institute) Danny van Dyk (TU Munich)

Presentation materials