Performance and calibration of boosted H(bb) tagging, including applications in physics analysis with ATLAS

4 Aug 2021, 15:00



Yajun He (LPNHE, Paris)


The physics programme at ATLAS involves a variety of Standard Model and Beyond Standard Model resonances decaying to two b-quarks, or to a pair of bosons, including the Higgs Boson. In order to identify these resonances at high momentum, ATLAS has developed a boosted X?bb tagger, a new NN-based tagging algorithm which combines the flavour information of up to three sub-jets associated to the large-R jet capturing the decays of these particles. This talk presents the Monte Carlo performance for the boosted X?bb tagger and the corresponding calibration strategy using the full Run-2 dataset gathered by ATLAS and comparing to simulation. Foreseen results include the signal tagging efficiencies derived using Z (->bb)+jets and Z(->bb)+gamma events, and background mistag rates measured using ttbar and g->bb splitting in multi-jet events. This talk also presents measurements of Higgs boson properties using signatures for boosted jets containing two heavy-flavour hadrons and results of searches for high-mass resonances with at least one highly boosted Higgs boson in the final state, reconstructed via single large-radius jets and dedicated flavour tagging techniques.


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