Community Values

We boost one another. We communicate with words, actions, and images that inspire greatness, and we avoid those that might make others uncomfortable. We engage in spirited and lively discussions, and we treat each other with respect and consideration. We welcome and mentor newcomers, encourage novel ideas and constructive debate, and support inter-experimental and theory-experiment dialogue and collaboration. We strongly value our diverse backgrounds and talents, and we are always open to suggestions for how to boost better.

Let's speak up for one another when we see the need. Let's advocate for our perspectives and listen to the concerns of our peers. Let's give amazing talks and posters that showcase where we have been and what we have achieved, alongside our ongoing struggles and open questions. Let's keep collaborating to change the impossible into the everyday. Let's boost.


BOOST Speaker Suggestions

This is an evolving document, and we welcome your input.

  • The BOOST workshop features a diverse mix of newcomers and experts, theorists and experimentalists, and multiple communities. Keep the breadth of your audience in mind when preparing your talk.
  • Speakers are encouraged to tell a story that highlights the most novel aspects of the work being presented and places that work in a broader context, including motivation for the work and the conclusions to be drawn.
  • A dedicated “BOOST Camp” covers the baseline picture of jets, jet substructure, and boosted objects in general, so speakers are encouraged to focus on their material and relevant details.
  • For experimental results, the BOOST community is keenly interested in the details of the analysis, including background estimates, interesting trigger strategies, detector effects, strategies for tackling complex physics in integrals, etc. Therefore, speakers are encouraged to highlight and emphasize the methodologies that go into the final results.
  • The BOOST community values extensive discussions and constructive debate, and it is therefore helpful to have experts presenting the material, especially preferring younger people who did the work.
  • Be respectful of other speakers and abide by your allotted time. We leave ample time for questions and it is almost always used. This means you should practice your talk and adjust your material accordingly.
  • During the question period, first priority for answering questions goes to the speaker, and audience members (including people who participated in the analysis) should only chime in after the speaker has had a chance to respond.
  • Let’s boost each other! Strive to be inclusive, and be careful in the words that you choose. Avoid slang, expressions, or jargon that might not translate across cultures, or be deliberate in explaining them to share our community’s diverse backgrounds.
  • All BOOST participants are expected to abide by the CERN Code of Conduct

Current BOOST Ombuds

Ayana Arce and Jesse Thaler