Towards precision strong coupling and top mass extraction using soft-drop jet mass

3 Aug 2021, 17:15



Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)


The soft drop jet mass cross section is as an attractive candidate for precision measurements such as 𝛼𝑠 and top mass, as it can be perturbatively calculable to high accuracy besides being more robust against nonperturbative and underlying event corrections. In this talk I will focus our work on studying prospects of measurement of 𝛼𝑠 at the LHC using state of the art resummed cross section matched to fixed order, including power corrections in a field theoretic framework, and a precise treatment of the soft drop cusp. We estimate the ultimate theoretical limitation on 𝛼𝑠 measurement at the LHC from the perturbative, nonperturbative and normalisation uncertainties. I will also provide updates on our theory effort on top mass measurement using soft drop jet mass as a part of the collaboration with ATLAS, and recent work on improvements in the description of the hadronization corrections and effects of underlying event for the observable.

I will also provide updates on our theory effort on top mass measurement using soft drop jet mass as a part of the collaboration with ATLAS, and recent work on improvements in the description of the hadronization corrections and effects of underlying event for the observable.


Presentation materials