Statistics for Particle Physicists (4/4)
The growing complexity of the particle physics analyses has made a good understanding of complex statistical tools an essential part of the education of a particle physicist. This series of lectures will present the basis of statistics, current analysis tools and will discuss the most relevant statistical techniques used in particle physics analysis.
Short bio: Prof. Glen Cowan
PhD in Physics 1988 from University of California, Berkeley, with thesis on pi/K/p production in e+e- collisions with the TPC/two-gamma experiment at PEP.
1988-1998, postdoc on ALEPH Experiment (CERN) with Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich and University of Siegen, Germany. Research on QCD (multijet production, measurements of alpha_s, properties of hadronic Z decays).
1998-present, faculty member in Department of Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London. 1998-2007, research on BaBar experiment (tau physics, b -> s gamma); 2001-present, member of Particle Data Group (reviews on Statistics); 2004-present, research on ATLAS experiment (development of statistical methods, Higgs physics), 2017-present, Scientific Coordinator of INSIGHTS ITN.
Albert De Roeck / 140 participants