11–15 Oct 2021
America/Mexico_City timezone

Submit a contribution

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please submit a brief description of your proposed contribution (referred to as an abstract in this submission system).

Note that you need to have an account to submit an abstract. You can create a "lightweight" CERN account, requiring only your own email address, with this link. Once you have this account, you can submit abstracts using this form.

When submitting an abstract, please select the track that you think best matches your contribution. All abstracts will still be considered, but selecting the right track will make the process more smooth.

When completing your abstract, please make sure to specify both the contributors (authors) and speaker (person who will actually prepare the talk if selected). In the case of a single-author abstract, please still mark the author as a speaker. This is a requirement of the indico system.

Successful contributors will be invited to participate in the symposium by recording and uploading their talk, thereby allowing people in different time zones to watch them at their convenience. The actual week of the symposium will then focus on plenary sessions reviewing and discussing the contributions, and live panels; these panels will discuss both discipline-specific and cross-discipline topics, where some of the contributed speakers will be invited to participate in the panels. The top submitted contributions will also be recognized, including the opportunity to present live in the plenary session.

In case of questions, please contact the organizers at: ai-symposium-2021@correo.nucleares.unam.mx

(Note: the original submission deadline was June 30, but this has been extended to July 11.)

The call for abstracts is closed.