GW Detection: GW Detection
- Lara Sousa (IA/CAUP)
GW Detection: GW Detection
- Michael Fedderke (Johns Hopkins University)
GW Detection: Panel Discussion
- Barry Barish (Caltech)
GW detection - current and future experiments.
Low-frequency gravitational waves cannot be detected with ground-based detectors.
While GW observations at frequencies in the micro- to mHz regime are planned with
spaced-based detectors, even lower frequencies, such as at nHz frequencies, can be
detected with pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). The talk summarises the PTA experiments,
describes the current status and prospects, and also...
Advanced LIGO and Virgo have detected dozens of gravitational waves, emitted from binary neutron stars and binary black holes. Third-generation observatories - such as Cosmic Explorer and the Einstein Telescope - will provide a significant boost in sensitivity and detect thousands of binary mergers per month, both from the local universe and from cosmological distances. In this talk I will...
Observations of the temperature anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background radiation have been key to our understanding of the early universe. The cosmic microwave background also contains invaluable information about the early universe that can be revealed through precision observations of the polarization anisotropies. Perhaps most strikingly, measurements of the polarization...