ISMD2021, virtual conference
Welcome to the 50th edition of the ISMD conference series, bringing together physicists from across particle, nuclear, and astro-physics for talks and discussions on all aspects and consequences of the strong force and complex final states.
Due to the ongoing health risks and travel restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, ISMD2021 operated as a virtual conference from 12-16 July 2021. The conference fee was waived.
All talks were recorded, and you can access them via the contribution entries in the timetable: the video files are attached, equivalent to slide PDFs.
All scientific sessions at ISMD are in plenary session to encourage cross-talk between areas, organised into the following scientific tracks:
- Hadron structure
- Forward and diffractive physics
- Collectivity and multiple-scattering
- Jets and QCD at high scales
- Hadron spectroscopy and heavy-flavour physics
- High-temperature QCD
- Cosmic rays and astrophysics
as well as discussion sessions, a poster session with a prize sponsored by the Universe journal, and associated short plenary talks for poster presenters.
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ISMD logo design by Ian Lucietti.