The ISMD2021 poster sessions will be conducted via the Mozilla Hubs virtual reality system, which is usually run in a Web browser. To keep everything running smoothly, the posters are split into rooms containing a maximum of 10 contributions, and each room has a capacity limit of 40 visitors at a time.
The room URLs and the abstract IDs contained in them (in order of a walk-through via the left-hand inside doorway) are as follows. We recommend picking one at random, rather than everyone deciding to join Room 1!
Contribution IDs: 116, 97, 158, 132, 102, 228, 106, 136, 174, 161, 153
Contribution IDs: 204, 216, 226, 137, 92, 103, 183, 214, 105, 133
Contribution IDs: 192, 208, 210, 238, 142, 177, 152, x, x, 223
Contribution IDs: 187, 233, 238, 215, 126, 205, 188, x, 175, 195
Contribution IDs: 130, 129, 131, 163, 199, 198, 185, x, 169, 227 (=103!)
The Hubs rooms will be available at all times, so feel free to use them at any time either to browse posters and pre-recorded talks at your leisure, as well as during the scheduled evening poster sessions.
You are advised to check in advance that Hubs works correctly on your device(s) -- it should work through all major Web browsers, and is compatible with VR headsets should you happen to have one. A short introduction to the Web-browser controls is given below:
- You can move using the cursor keys or ASDW. Look around by clicking the left-button and moving the mouse, or by using the Q and E keys.
You can also "fly", which really means moving without the constraints of gravity, walls, ceilings, or floors, by pressing G then moving in whatever direction you choose to point. There's probably not a great deal of advantage to this (but it was essential for pinning up the posters!)
- A quick list of controls is given at as well as at the entrance to the room.
- To interact with a poster or another visitor, highlight them with your cursor. A basic-controls menu should pop up. A secondary menu can be toggled by pressing Tab (the Hubs documentation suggests pressing and holding Space, but I think this is for VR headsets, since it disables the mouse, rendering the menus unusable). Disable the secondary menu by pressing Tab again. An object view can be achieved by right-clicking the poster, and exited by pressing Esc.
To view the original poster file (if it's not easy to see it in the 3D mode) either click the "open link" button in the secondary menu, or right-click the poster and then the "link" button in the object view.
- The audio volume will increase as you approach discussions and running videos, and attenuate as you move away. Mute your microphone by clicking the button at the bottom or pressing M. You can also mute (from your perspective only) other room visitors. If you like something, you can emit an emoji with the react button, or start a text chat.