All scientific sessions at ISMD are in plenary session to encourage cross-talk between areas, organised into the following scientific tracks:
- Hadron structure
- Forward and diffractive physics
- Collectivity and multiple-scattering
- Jets and QCD at high scales
- Hadron spectroscopy and heavy-flavour physics
- High-temperature QCD
- Cosmic ray and astrophysics
There are three categories of contribution to the ISMD scientific programme:
- Plenary talk: a "long" talk (15 mins or more, including questions) in a plenary conference session
- Flash-talk: a short talk of 5 mins (no questions!), in a plenary session as a headline advertisement for a fuller presentation of the work as a...
- Poster or pre-recorded talk: a static poster contribution, to be viewed and discussed electronically via Mozilla Hubs rooms during dedicated poster sessions and t any time during the conference, OR a pre-recorded talk video of < 15 mins, to be uploaded, viewed, and discussed again via the poster sessions and Hubs system.
Our thanks to MDPI for sponsoring a best-poster prize of 400 CHF and a voucher for a free publication in the journal Universe. Pre-recorded talks will not be considered for the poster prize