27–30 Sept 2021
Europe/London timezone


International Advisory Committee

Marina Artuso (Syracuse Uni)
Prafulla Behera (IIT Madras)
Gian Mario Bilei (INFN Perugia)
Daniela Bortoletto (Uni of Oxford)
Richard Brenner (Uppsala Uni)
Paula Collins (CERN)
Zdenek Dolezal (Charles Uni Prague)
Lars Eklund (Uni of Glasgow)
Francesco Forti (Uni and INFN Pisa)
Kazuhiko Hara (Uni of Tsukuba)
Roland Horisberger (PSI)
Manfred Krammer (CERN)
Hans-Guenther Moser (MPI for Physics)
Hwanbae Park (Kyungpook Uni)
Chris Parkes (Uni of Manchester)
Sally Seidel (Uni of New Mexico)
Andrey Starodumov (RBI, Zagreb)
Dong Su (SLAC)
Ivan Vila (IFCA Santander)


Local Organising Committee

Daniela Bortoletto (Uni of Oxford)
Ian Shipsey (Uni of Oxford)
Malcolm John (Uni of Oxford)
Daniel Hynds (Uni of Oxford)
Maria Mironova (Uni of Oxford)