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Pre-Booster Ring Design of the FCC -e+e- Injector Complex
The FCC-e+e- injector complex needs to produce and to transport high intensity e+ and e− beams at a fast repetition rate for topping up the collider at its collision energy. The injector complex design of the FCC-e+e- project consists of an e+/e- linac, which accelerates the beams up to 6 GeV, a pre-booster ring, accelerating the beam from 6 GeV to 16 GeV and a booster synchrotron ring integrated in the collider tunnel, accelerating the beams up to the collision energies. Two different pre-booster ring design options are under consideration: either using the existing SPS machine or designing a completely new ring. In this presentation, an introduction to the FCC-e+e- injector complex will be given, with focus on the pre-booster ring. The necessary modifications required for using the SPS as an FCC-e+e- pre-booster ring will be discussed and a conceptual design of an alternative pre-booster ring will be presented.
Efthymia Laderi