Registration fees



School participants rates

Rates (to be updated with new program upcoming)

Double Occupancy

590 EUR

Single Occupancy

790 EUR

No Accommodation included

225 EUR

What it includes

For the whole duration of the School , includes 6 nights ( if you have not selected " no accommodation",) arrival the evening before (14th February) and departure on  Sunday 20th February. Registration includes 5 lunches,  coffee breaks, 2 cocktail dinners, 1 teambuilding event  and attendance to all lectures.


For any additional stays at the hotel out of the Conference days (14-20 February), please contact Silvia at for additional booking. Make sure to mention that you will be attending the School as you will benefit preferential rates.  



Payment should be made ahead through wire transfer or credit card payment. No registration payment or  registration will be accepted onsite. Please make sure to select all items desired before proceeding to payment as partial payment will not be possible.