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20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

HTCondor Integration with Hashicorp Vault for Oauth Credentials

22 Sept 2021, 16:35


HTCondor user presentations Workshop session


Dave Dykstra (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))


HTCondor now has an optional integration with open source Hashicorp Vault for managing Java Web Tokens (JWTs) such as Scitokens. In the integration, the condor_submit command calls out to htgettoken (developed at Fermilab) to communicate with a Vault service. Vault takes care of the Open ID Connect protocol (which is based on Oauth 2.0) to communicate with a token issuer and securely storing powerful refresh tokens while returning less powerful Vault tokens that can be used to obtain even less powerful access JWTs. In the initial authentication, htgettoken redirects the user to their web browser for approval, but subsequent requests for access JWTs use either the Vault token or renew the Vault token using Kerberos authentication. A Vault credmon component holds Vault tokens that it exchanges for access JWTs to renew in batch jobs. The submit file can specify just the name of a token issuer configured in Vault, and it can optionally specify specific scopes or audiences to further restrict the power of access JWTs. This talk will describe the HTCondor Vault integration in detail.

Speaker release Yes

Primary author

Dave Dykstra (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))

Presentation materials