Analyzing Neck Events in the SNO+ Experiment

23 Aug 2021, 14:15
Physics Analysis Session 3


Mr Kai Soini (SNO+ - Queen's University)


The SNO+ experiment is located in Sudbury, Ontario, 2km underground to shield it from cosmic radiation in search for neutrinos - the ghost particle. Using the 780 tonnes of liquid scintillator, primarily Linear Alkylbenzene (LAB) that make up the SNO+ active volume, we observe different types of events in the detector, so detecting neutrinos requires very careful data selection to avoid spurious signals—which can change the expected theoretical result. One possible source of spurious events is the neck of the detector. This presentation will briefly discuss an analysis of neck events in SNO+ and their possible impact on SNO+ data.

Primary author

Mr Kai Soini (SNO+ - Queen's University)

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