The Young Physicists Forum (YPF) was formed in 2021 as one of the engagement groups in the African School of Fundamental and Applied Physics (ASFAP) strategy. The forum was instituted to engage rising-star researchers, and is devoted to developing research and science for the benefit of the public. The main objectives of the forum are among others, to create a diverse continent of next-generation scientific leaders committed to playing an active role in collaborations pertaining to scientific research and educational issues in Africa. Furthermore, the Young Physicists Forum aims at developing the knowledge and skills of young African physicists, grooming them to acquire a fuller understanding of industrial, regional as well as global agendas. In addition, the forum focuses on communicating cutting-edge scientific research and positioning education on the continent within the context of science. Since its inception last year, the forum has played an active role in identifying the challenges and remedies for young scientists to flourish in various physics fields. To this effect, the forum has so far conducted several virtual meetings to share the knowledge. In the just ended January workshop, for example, the forum invited stakeholders to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities for young African physicists. Notable speakers included Dr. Marie Chantal (University of Rwanda) and Dr. Julia Gonski (Columbia University, United States). The panel discussion included experienced panelists who included Dr. Kétévi Assamagan (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr. Lawalley Cole (CAFOR), and Dr. Raissa Malu (IIP). To engage the community, the forum has also conducted a survey on various issues affecting young physicists on the continent. This talk, thus, focuses on the status of the Young Physicists Forum and the importance for education and capacity development for Africa. To join this forum, please start here, https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfYoungPhysicists.