7–11 Mar 2022
Virtual Event
Africa/Casablanca timezone

Status and Impact of Fluids and Plasma Physics for Education and Capacity Development in Africa

9 Mar 2022, 11:00
Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Invited Talk Physics Plenary (3)


Daniel Oluwole Makinde (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)


Oluwole Daniel Makinde

Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X2, Saldanha 7395, South Africa

Education and capacity development in the fields of fluid and plasma physics are extremely vital to technological advancement of any nation in generally and Africa in particular. Study of fluid and plasma enable prediction of space weather, medical treatments, and even water purification. Research in fluid and plasma physics are critical to the design of systems in nearly every field of engineering, including aeronautical, astronautical, mechanical, chemical, and civil engineering. In this talk, the three fundamental principles (mass conservation, Newton's second law and energy conservation) governing theoretical research in the field of fluid and plasma physics are discussed. The importance of research capacity development in the field fluid and plasma physics in Africa is emphasized.

Keywords: Importance of fluid and plasma physics; Conservation laws; Maxwell laws of
electromagnetism; Africa research capacity development

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