7–11 Mar 2022
Virtual Event
Africa/Casablanca timezone

Dark-fluid constraints of shear-free universes

10 Mar 2022, 14:00
Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Contributed Oral Presentation Parallel Session 1


Amare Abebe (North-West University, South Africa)


Recent studies into the nature of dark matter and dark energy have resulted in a number of dark-fluid cosmological models. Integrability conditions arising from general irrotational fluid-flow considerations of a universe dominated by one such dark fluid will be investigated under special assumptions on the nature of the spacetime shear. Special emphasis will be placed on linearized perturbations of quasi-Newtonian and anti-Newtonian spacetimes, whereby the conditions for the existence and consistent evolution of such spacetimes in the presence of the Chaplygin gas fluid model will be derived and discussed.

Presentation materials