EP Seminar

"Study of Phi meson radiative decays at Kloe, eta/etaprime mixing angle and etaprime gluonium content "

by Biagio Di Micco (CERN/Universita degli Studi di Roma Tre)

222-R-001 (CERN)



Radiative Phi decays to scalars a_0, f_0, sigma and to pseudoscalars eta and eta' have been studied by the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE Phi factory. The decays of scalars to pi pi and eta pi have been analyzed according different theoretical models to infer information on their internal structure (q-qbar or four-quark states, or KK molecules). Precise measurements of the radiative Phi decays to eta and eta' allow to estimate the eta/eta' mixing angle. The impact of these measurements on the issue of the gluonium fraction inside the etaprime is discussed.
Organised by

Maria SPIROPULU/Guillaume UNAL/PH-EP............** Tea and Coffee will be served at 10:30