July 21, 2021 to December 31, 2025
UTC timezone

Please follow the Call for Letters of Interest to submit your LOI. The letters of Interest should be 2 pages or less, including author list with affiliations, and references. The format is free style; however, a pdf file should be prepared and uploaded as attachment; in the "Content" field, simply mention that your LOI is in the attached file. Alternatively, you may type your LOI in the "Content" field and skip the attachment (least preferred option). Please take a look at the samples of LOIs on this page.

You will need to login to submit your Letter of Interest. If you don't have a CERN account, there are 2 options:

  1. Scroll down the login page for the option to login with your Facebook, google, etc., credentials;
  2. Register your email by filling in this form
  3. Submit your Letter of Interest by clicking on "Submit new abstract"