21 July 2021 to 31 December 2025
UTC timezone

My vision for Physics in Africa

Not scheduled


My contribution will be on several points:

  1. Physics education
    There are several challenges surrounding the teaching of Physics, the first being the lack of infrastructure - needed to put students and staff in good working conditions. Governments need to invest massively in education.

In order to draw a good vision, there is need to establish a discussion/collaboration with all ministries involved: Higher, secondary and basic education.

Curricula should be a compromise between local and international contexts. Physics books written by africans with local contents should be encouraged/sponsored.

A vision should be drawn for Physics in Africa: which physicists do we want in Africa?

For Research are needed at the continental level:
a. Database for theses (Msc/PhD)
b. Mobility programs
c. research facilities
d. African physics journals needed (high quality/low fees)
e. A continental fund for physics/science (African Science Foundation)

  1. Energy Working group
    As topics should be added: Energy Fundamentals/Thermal Science (Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer), Energy Statistics/Accounting, Energy System Modeling, Energy Planning, etc.

Shall we integrate: energy economics ?

Several divsions/categories can be used here:
- energy forms
- energy technologies
- energy use
- conventional & unconventional energies

  1. Additional topics
    a. Physics groups
    As Physics groups could be added: QUANTUM PHYSICS, HISTORY OF PHYSICS/SCIENCE
    b. An emphasis should be put on the collaboration with the African diaspora (mobility).

Additional Information


Primary Category Energy
Secondary Category Physics Education
Subgroup categories NONE
Did you / will you submit this LOI to another category? YES

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