21 July 2021 to 31 December 2025
UTC timezone

Materials Research to improve the quality of trainings

Not scheduled


There is need to train, and to improve the quality of trainings for our young scientists in Materials Research for the gain of international career. Currently, unemployment rate of university graduates from material science in Africa, especially in Kenya, is medium to high.This can be linked to: lack of innovations:- most graduates nearly add no value to the companies they are employed in, regardless of whether they graduated with upper honors from the university or not. This is due to the fact that the quality of our research facilities is going low. These facilities lack adequate resources for materials research. The time taken by most university professors to offer quality research is low since the learner- teacher ratio is high. Therefore, AMRS and any other relevant authorities should come up with training schedules in each member country to train short courses, Msc modules both for credit and CPD and offer Remote trainings via virtual classroom. There is need to have a distinctive AMRS office in each member country to oversee the researches in these countries. These departments should be headed by active members of AMRS.
The vision of Africa, from training in Materials Research is; improvement in metallurgy, healthcare, mining, and quality graduates who can change the face of the current world.
The available resources for training materials science in Africa ( Kenya to be specific) include; materials labs, equipments, and professors. However, the major factor of concern is the number of trainers ( professors) to offer the trainings. There is need to train more scientists in this field in order to realize it's implementation. Our laboratories need to be fully equipped with updated equipments to facilitate accurate findings. Exchange programs from our Researchers need to be considered at regional levels and the participants to be heavily awarded, regardless of who won or who didn't.
Lastly, we need to empower young women in Technology with regard to materials research. I suggest a-third-gender-rule in the considerations for Trainings and scholarships for the young innovative Researchers

Additional Information


Primary Category Condensed Matter & Materials Physics
Secondary Category Condensed Matter & Materials Physics
Subgroup categories MaterialsPhysics—Nanomaterials
Did you / will you submit this LOI to another category? NO

Primary author

Mr Evance Obara (Materials Researcher at Donghua University)

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