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8 December 2021
Zoom (online)
Europe/Zurich timezone

EN-MME's Early Evaluation of CERNBox to Store Group Data

8 Dec 2021, 14:10
Zoom (online)

Zoom (online)

Extended presentation (15 min + 5 min QA) Main session Engineering


Ben Poquette (CERN)


EN-MME manages a large amount (10s TB) of diverse data. This data comes from sources such as the large laboratory characterization files, computer simulations, fabrication process and the automated seismic systems of the LHC. The physical limits of DFS servers have led to data being stored in many, unconnected folders in DFS. In the early days of EOS and CERNBox, EN-MME approached IT for a solution to store, archive and re-group this data. This complex project presented a perfect test case and IT and EN-MME began to work together to evaluate and improve the new CERNBox system. This talk will highlight some of the key findings of this cooperation and some of the improvements developed as a result.

Primary author

Ben Poquette (CERN)

Presentation materials