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CERNBox User Forum

Zoom (online)

Zoom (online)

Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)

CERNBox is CERN's collaboration hub and an integrated storage platform to store, share and collaborate securely on data.

CERNBox User Forum is an opportunity to exchange and share experience and use-cases between the CERN user community and the CERNBox service support team. 

User feedback and recent and future improvements of the service are presented by the CERNBox service team. Selected use-cases are presented by users representing all sectors at CERN (Physics, Engineering, Administration and General Services).
This event is an opportunity to ask questions, engage in a discussion of needs, improvements and future roadmap of the service.
This will be a remote-only event using Zoom for webcast.
(register for Zoom details)
CERNBox User Forum
Zoom Meeting ID
Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
Alternative hosts
Luca Mascetti, Samuel Alfageme Sainz, Oliver Keeble, Roberto Valverde Cameselle, Diogo Castro, Jakub Moscicki, Ishank Arora, Gianmaria Del Monte, Giuseppe Lo Presti, Vasco Guita
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
Registration form
  • Abhishek Lekshmanan
  • Adam Edward Barton
  • Africa Marco-Gimeno
  • Aikaterini Leventaki
  • Alberto Pace
  • Andre Sailer
  • Andrea Mazzolari
  • Andrea Musso
  • Andreas Joachim Peters
  • Andrei Dumitru
  • Andrii Maltsev
  • Angel Navascues Cornago
  • Angela Ricci
  • Anna Chrul
  • Anna Maria De Frutos
  • Anne Kerhoas
  • Antonella Vignes-Magno
  • Antonio Giannini
  • Antonio Vivace
  • Antra Gaile
  • Apostolos Theodoridis
  • Aristeidis Mamaras
  • Aritz Brosa Iartza
  • Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre
  • Aswin Toni
  • Beatriz Arias Alonso
  • Ben Poquette
  • Branko Blagojevic
  • Brice Copy
  • Caio Costa
  • Carole Dargagnon
  • Caroline Laignel
  • Cathelijne Hazelaar-Bal
  • Cedric Caffy
  • Celso Oviedo da Lopes
  • Charlotte Riccio
  • Chris Lee
  • Christel Paris
  • Christian Fabjan
  • Christoph Balle
  • Christoph Frei
  • Christophe Bault
  • Christophe Renaud
  • Costanza Pollini
  • Cristian Contescu
  • Daina Dirmaite
  • Danilo Piparo
  • Dario Barberis
  • Dario Mapelli
  • David Jericho
  • Devdatta Majumder
  • Diana Leliukh
  • Diogo Castro
  • Duarte Galvao
  • Duc Bao Ta
  • Efthymia Laderi
  • Eleftherios Fadakis
  • Elena Benvenuto
  • Elena Gianolio
  • Elena Wildner
  • Elizabeth Gallas
  • Emmanuele Ravaioli
  • Enrico Bocchi
  • Esa Prakasa
  • Fabio Farina
  • Fabrizio Furano
  • Felix Pol Gaston Soubelet
  • Francesca Galluccio
  • Francois Gildas Nizery
  • Frank Lan
  • Gabriele Thiede
  • Gabriella Azzopardi
  • Gaelle Duperrier
  • Gaohan Yang
  • Georgina Hobgen
  • Giacomo Tenaglia
  • Gian Piero Siroli
  • Gianluca Rigoletti
  • Gianmaria Del Monte
  • Giuseppe Lo Presti
  • Giuseppe Pezzullo
  • Gyorgy Balazs
  • Hugo Gonzalez Labrador
  • Igor Pshenichnov
  • Ioannis Kopsalis
  • Ishank Arora
  • Ivan Arizanovic
  • Ivana Hristova
  • Javier Ferrer
  • Javier Mauricio Duarte
  • Jean Cenede
  • Jeanette Kotzian
  • Jenny Mathilde Bonsak
  • Joel Albertone
  • Joel Closier
  • Joelma Tolomeo
  • John Shade
  • Jose Luis Bardanca Iglesias
  • João Oliveira
  • Juan Gonzalez
  • Juan Manuel Guijarro
  • Julien Leduc
  • Juraj Smiesko
  • Justin M Elhalabi
  • Justine Depoisier
  • Katarina Sigerud
  • Keziban Kandemir
  • Klaas Freitag
  • Konstantin Zioutas
  • Krasimira Kostova Markova Sciacca
  • Krzysztof Stachon
  • Kuldeep Pal
  • Lajos Cseppento
  • Livia Lungu
  • Loraine Massarotti
  • Louis Rinolfi
  • Luca Bruno
  • Luca Mascetti
  • Manuel Reis
  • Manuel Rodriguez
  • Maria Llorente Herraiz
  • Marie Luz Cavagna
  • Mario Lassnig
  • Mark Donszelmann
  • Markus Widorski
  • Marta Adamina Krawczyk
  • Martin R. Jaekel
  • Martin Zemko
  • Marton Ady
  • Marzena Lapka
  • Mateus Hufnagel
  • Matthias Bonora
  • Michael Alexander D'Silva
  • Michael Pham
  • Mihai Patrascoiu
  • Nalamotse Joshua Choma
  • Nicole Polivka
  • Nicolo Jacazio
  • Oliver Keeble
  • Olivia May Emilia Fabreschi
  • Pascal Wengerter
  • Patrick Aretz
  • Patrick Maier
  • Pedro Morales Sanchez
  • Petya Georgieva
  • Philippe Berset
  • Philippe Bouvard
  • Pierre Barroca
  • Priyanka Dasgupta
  • Priyanka Sadangi
  • Rachel Avramidou
  • Rachel Lavanant
  • Radu Popescu
  • Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
  • Richard Bachmann
  • Roberto Valverde Cameselle
  • Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio
  • Samuel Alfageme Sainz
  • Sascha Mehlhase
  • Sebastian Lopienski
  • Shehu AbdusSalam
  • Sonia Palmira Dos Santos Pereira
  • Sonja Sandell
  • Sophie Baron
  • Sophie Etienne
  • Stephane Deghaye
  • Stephanie Laura Aubert
  • Steven Sorlut
  • Sylvain Girod
  • Sébastien BOUCLY
  • Teresa Maria Afonso
  • Theofilos Mouratidis
  • Tobias Baader
  • Tomas Roun
  • Tuukka Lehtinen
  • Umit Sozbilir
  • Valentina Baldassarre
  • Valerie Huret
  • Vasco Miguel Antonio Guita
  • Veronique Wedlake
  • Viktor Richard Varga
  • Walid Fadel
  • Walter Scandale
  • Wilke Van Der Schee
  • Willemjan Maan
  • Xavier Eric Ouvrard
  • Xavier Espinal
  • Youri Robert
  • Yusra Rashid
  • Yves Thurel
  • Zohra Yettou
  • Émilien Chapon
Feedback about the CERNBox User Forum
Feedback for the CERNBox Service
    • 08:45 09:00
      Welcome: Virtual Coffee and Logistics
    • 09:00 09:05
      Welcome from the IT management
      Conveners: Alberto Pace (CERN), Enrica Maria Porcari (CERN)
    • 09:05 09:50
      CERNBox Service: Introduction and Roadmap
      Convener: Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)
    • 09:50 10:00
      Coffe break 10m
    • 10:00 10:50
      Convener: Luca Mascetti (CERN)
      • 10:00
        A CMS perspective about CERNBox 20m

        CERNBox is a unique service, part of the strategic portfolio of storage services provided by CERN IT to the Organisation. CMS relies on CERNBox for multiple usecases, for example as a safe backup of personal documents relying on the custodial storage in the computer centre, home directory accessible from SWAN or lxplus, as a storage element destination of output of grid jobs or again a way to safely share sensitive information among colleagues.
        In this contribution we'll review cathergories of use cases, underlying the strenghts of today's CERNBox and trying to highlight avenues to further improve in the future.

        Speaker: Danilo Piparo (CERN)
      • 10:20
        Use of CERNbox by the FASER experiment 7m

        The FASER experiment has been using CERNbox to store calibration files, as well as RAW commissioning data in 2020. I will describe our use case and experience from this year.

        Speaker: Jamie Boyd (CERN)
      • 10:27
        My experience as an ALICE analyser 15m

        Scientific collaboration plays an ever-increasing role in our world. The need for tools that make it easy to share results, portable setups, and code is fundamental. The use of CERNbox and Jupyter notebooks with SWAN has become de facto the standard to ensure collaboration across many people and to handle several projects. In this talk, I will report on my experience as an ALICE user, and I will be giving my feedback and a few suggestions.

        Speaker: Nicolo Jacazio (CERN)
      • 10:42
        ATLAS documentation team and CERNBox 7m

        Using CERNBox to migrate atlas sites to EOS.

        Speaker: Adam Edward Barton (Lancaster University (GB))
    • 10:50 11:00
      Coffee Break 10m
    • 11:00 12:00
      Convener: Oliver Keeble (CERN)
      • 11:00
        CERNBox for storage and transfer of personal data - Data privacy considerations 20m

        In our presentation we will give an overview about technical, functional and ergonomic aspects of tools for storage and transfer of personal data. We will assess in how far CERNBox meets these requirements and identify potential areas for improvement.

        Speakers: Costanza Pollini (CERN), Gabriele Thiede (CERN)
      • 11:20
        Service Médical du CERN et CERNBOX 15m

        Présentation de l'utilisation de la CERNBOX par le service médical du CERN

        Speaker: Walid Fadel (CERN)
      • 11:35
        Sharing folders with confidentiality - CSC 15m

        Sharing folders with confidentiality - CSC

        Speaker: Joelma Tolomeo (CERN)
      • 11:50
        Just an anecdote 7m

        Last week I was in a conference centre in the NL with a wifi network that blocked ssh and smtp (!). I could read mails but not send any. To get home on the same day I needed to fill the Dutch covid form. It's required to have it filled on your phone at all times. It's editable pdf, but editing doesn't work on my phone. So I filled it on my laptop and cernbox-ed it to my phone. Thanks, CERNbox app. You saved me.*

        • actually not really as predictably nobody checked the form.
          ** I now realise I could have used webmail. That never occurs to me under stress.
        Speaker: Patrick Koppenburg (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 12:00 13:15
      Lunch break 1h 15m
    • 13:15 14:00
      Convener: Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)
    • 14:00 14:10
      Coffee Break 10m
    • 14:10 14:30
      • 14:10
        EN-MME's Early Evaluation of CERNBox to Store Group Data 20m

        EN-MME manages a large amount (10s TB) of diverse data. This data comes from sources such as the large laboratory characterization files, computer simulations, fabrication process and the automated seismic systems of the LHC. The physical limits of DFS servers have led to data being stored in many, unconnected folders in DFS. In the early days of EOS and CERNBox, EN-MME approached IT for a solution to store, archive and re-group this data. This complex project presented a perfect test case and IT and EN-MME began to work together to evaluate and improve the new CERNBox system. This talk will highlight some of the key findings of this cooperation and some of the improvements developed as a result.

        Speaker: Ben Poquette (CERN)
    • 14:30 15:40
      Outreach, Education and Learning
      Convener: Jakub Moscicki (CERN)
      • 14:30
        How CERN's Knowledge Transfer Communication team uses CERNbox 15m

        The Knowledge Transfer Communication team uses CERNbox as the go-to place for storing all material to share within the team and the group. These include folders on all campaigns, comms plans, draft versions, lists, raw material and more. A key use is using the stored files for live collaborations, for eg. Collaborating on spreadsheets during weekly meetings, to track the team’s progress on tasks and projects. It is also useful for sharing stored (and updated) data with people across CERN in different departments, by giving them a certain level of access as needed- only view/download ; only upload; or edit. For the website, creating public links to view content on CERNbox, is an easy way to display documents which can be updated internally on CERNbox itself.

        Speakers: Priyanka Dasgupta (CERN), Marzena Lapka (CERN)
      • 14:45
        Indico + CERNBox: A VCHEP 2021 use-case 15m

        Indico is an open-source tool for event management used by the whole CERN community, as well as a large amount (more than 200) of organizations, institutes and research centers. One very prominent workflow in Indico is to attach files to an event (slides, documents, etc.). This presented a perfect opportunity to integrate CERNBox into the service, by allowing users to attach files stored in their CERNBox space. This talk presents the upcoming new feature and the findings in this cooperation, as well as a secondary use case for the paper review flow in cooperation with VCHEP21 organizers.

        Speaker: Javier Ferrer (CERN)
      • 15:00
        Publish and preserve files from CERNBox in Open Repositories (InvenioRDM/CDS) 7m

        Digital repositories such as CERN Document Server and Zenodo are used to publish and preserve research outputs. We’ll demonstrate in this presentation how we’re making archiving of files in CERNBox into a repository seamless and how you can easily upload potentially very large datasets directly from your CERNBox.

        Speaker: Jenny Mathilde Bonsak (CERN)
      • 15:07
        CERNbox EOS website for e-learning previews 7m

        I am working in HR-LD and my use case of CERNbox includes of course common administrative documents storing/editing/sharing (MS office and Libre office).

        I do also use the Website creation functionality to make the preview of the e-learning development projects available to stakeholders. Thanks to that, I can avoid multiple uploads to the LMS and I can also dodge the need to enrol to a course in order to access it.
        I provide only one link to the reviewers and I can upload very quickly the updates with a single drag and drop.

        the final course on the LMS is free of multiple revisions and the LMS itself is free of tons of garbage files while the development progresses.

        The preview are in HTML5/Javascript format.

        Example of course stored on CERNbox

        The same course released on the LMS

        Created with Articulate Storyline 3

        Speaker: Mr Philippe Berset (CERN)
      • 15:14
        The ATLAS Education & Outreach Box – A comms CERNbox use case 15m

        The ATLAS Education & Outreach Box – A comms CERNbox use case

        Speaker: Sascha Mehlhase (LMU Munich)
      • 15:29
        Using CERNBox for a CERN OpenDays's Selfie-Station 7m
        Speaker: Manuel Rodriguez (CERN)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 16:00 16:50
      Convener: Diogo Castro (CERN)
      • 16:00
        Building the LCG Software Stacks and EOS 15m

        The SPI team of the EP-SFT group is creating software stacks of hundreds of packages for the use by the LHC experiments, SWAN, and other users around the world. For the caching and provisioning of the build results the EOS storage is a key ingredient of the build infrastructure. This presentation will briefly describe what the stacks are, how they are created, and what their reliance on the EOS system is.

        Speaker: Andre Sailer (CERN)
      • 16:15
        Integration of CERNBox in the DBOD service 15m

        The Database on Demand service is a DBaaS (database as a service) that empowers CERN users to create and manage MySQL, PostgreSQL and InfluxDB database server instances.
        by means of a simple and intuitive web interface.

        The DBOD web interface allows users to perform certain operations like start/stop, backups, restoring, monitoring ,configuration files, logs…

        During the first quarter of 2021 we deployed a new version of the DBOD web application in which we integrated access to CERNBox
        as a way of facilitating to our users the access to log files and upgrade reports.

        During this talk I will explain how we integrated our service with CERNBox and the benefits that it has brought to us.

        Speaker: Abel Cabezas Alonso
      • 16:30
        Measuring the quark-gluon plasmas viscosities by colliding heavy ions on lxplus 20m

        Measuring the quark-gluon plasmas viscosities by colliding heavy ions on lxplus

        Speaker: Wilke Van Der Schee (CERN)
    • 16:50 17:30
      CERNBox Service: Closing remarks
      Convener: Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)