8 December 2021
Zoom (online)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Integration of CERNBox in the DBOD service

8 Dec 2021, 16:15
Zoom (online)

Zoom (online)

Presentation (10 min + 5 min QA) Main session Integrations


Abel Cabezas Alonso


The Database on Demand service is a DBaaS (database as a service) that empowers CERN users to create and manage MySQL, PostgreSQL and InfluxDB database server instances.
by means of a simple and intuitive web interface.

The DBOD web interface allows users to perform certain operations like start/stop, backups, restoring, monitoring ,configuration files, logs…

During the first quarter of 2021 we deployed a new version of the DBOD web application in which we integrated access to CERNBox
as a way of facilitating to our users the access to log files and upgrade reports.

During this talk I will explain how we integrated our service with CERNBox and the benefits that it has brought to us.


Abel Cabezas Alonso

Presentation materials