- Luca Mascetti (CERN)
CERNBox is a unique service, part of the strategic portfolio of storage services provided by CERN IT to the Organisation. CMS relies on CERNBox for multiple usecases, for example as a safe backup of personal documents relying on the custodial storage in the computer centre, home directory accessible from SWAN or lxplus, as a storage element destination of output of grid jobs or again a way to...
The FASER experiment has been using CERNbox to store calibration files, as well as RAW commissioning data in 2020. I will describe our use case and experience from this year.
Scientific collaboration plays an ever-increasing role in our world. The need for tools that make it easy to share results, portable setups, and code is fundamental. The use of CERNbox and Jupyter notebooks with SWAN has become de facto the standard to ensure collaboration across many people and to handle several projects. In this talk, I will report on my experience as an ALICE user, and I...
Using CERNBox to migrate atlas sites to EOS.