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24 September 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

CMS Guides

Jose Carlos da Silva

Originally from Portugal , Jose is from LIP Lisbon institute. First come to CERN in 1987 to learn about wire chambers Electronics with G.Chapak and C.Santiard.

Since 1994 has been participating on the design of electronics for the readout and trigger of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS experiment, and  is presently the CMS ECAL Electronics Coordinator. Also participates on the development of data acquisition systems for medical application , PET technologies,  from breast cancer detection to endoscopic prostate and pancreatic probes.


Andre David Tinoco Mendes 

André is presently focused on the upgrade of the CMS endcap calorimeter for the HL-LHC phase, starting in the mid 2020s. The new calorimeter is a highly-granular silicon detector presenting multiple challenges.

Between 2015 and 2017, André co-convened the CMS Higgs Physics Analysis group. He used the CERN hostel for the first time in the year 2000 just before he decided to embark on a PhD in the NA60 fixed-target experiment. He worked on the silicon pixel and microstrip detectors of NA60 and his analysis of intermediate mass dimuon events paved the way for the discovery of thermal radiation shining off a QGP in heavy-ion collisions.

In 2006, André joined the CMS experiment where he led the commissioning of the ECAL. With the first LHC collision data, he went to perform the first LHC cross-section measurement of isolated single photon production.

Since 2010 that André was heavily involved in the search for - and later observation of - the Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel. André's need to understand the big picture led him to become one of the conveners of the CMS Higgs Combination and Properties group, as well as CMS contact in the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group for exploring the properties of this new particle. Before the LHC Run 2, André was a major contributor to the CMS combination of Run 1 Higgs results, and was deeply involved in combinations between ATLAS and CMS, such as the LHC combined measurement of the Higgs boson mass, which is the scientific article with the largest ever number of co-authors.

André's interests include science communication and the usefulness of CERN for non-particle physicists in general. That is why he is a CERN official guide since 2004 and was involved with the CLOUD experiment for six years.

Twitter: @DrAndreDavid


CMS virtual visit technical experts:


Mohamed Darwish 

I am a PhD student at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and have been a part of the CMS collaboration since 2015. I obtained a M.Sc. from Alexandria University (Egypt), where I worked on preparatory studies to search for the production of new heavy particles using the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). My main doctoral research point is to search for a new particle "heavy neutral Lepton (HNL)" in the data collected by the CMS detector in full Run2 . I have been awarded by CMS Achievement Award in 2018 for supporting CMS data taking in as HLT DOC. I am currently working as a L3 convener in PdmV/PPD group along with part of the CMS Shift Organization team.

Haifa Rejeb Sfar

I am a phD student at the university of Antwerp and university of Tunis El Manar, I joined the CMS Collaboration in 2017 , since then I have been involved in the search of a hypothetical  particle the so called « heavy neutral lepton »  in CMS , DUNE and SoLid experiments in complementary phase spaces beside that I am working as a CMS shifts organiser and shifters trainer and I am also part of the CMS virtual visits team. Finally I am looking forward to start a new CMS tracker activities ! 

Noemi Beni

Zoltan Szillasi


Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics

During the last 20 years they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS

Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.