CERN Theory Department Retreat 2021

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)

A meeting of the members of CERN's TH department, to review its scientific activities and recent results, to learn more about each other's research, and to familiarize the new members with CERN's scientific environment and with the rest of the group.

This year we plan to hold the retreat in person, in CERN's Main Auditorium. Should the Covid status degrade, we move to remote mode, through Zoom. 

Sessions will be scheduled on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and  Friday morning.

  • Alba Grassi
  • Aleksas Mazeliauskas
  • Alexander Yohei Huss
  • Alexander Zhiboedov
  • Alexandre Belin
  • Andreas Jüttner
  • Andrew McLeod
  • Arnd Behring
  • Azadeh Maleknejad
  • Ben Page
  • Chiara Caprini
  • Ciaran Hughes
  • Daniele Teresi
  • diego redigolo
  • Dorota Grabowska
  • Elina Fuchs
  • Emanuele Angelo Bagnaschi
  • Enea Di Dio
  • Fabrizio Rompineve
  • Gabor Sarosi
  • Gauthier Durieux
  • Gian Giudice
  • Gongjun Choi
  • Guglielmo Lockhart
  • Jasmine Brewer
  • Jinsu Kim
  • Joachim Kopp
  • Joao Caetano
  • Johann Usovitsch
  • Julien Baglio
  • Kai Schmitz
  • Keisuke Harigaya
  • Kevin Kelly
  • Kyriakos Papadodimas
  • Ling Lin
  • Marko Simonovic
  • Matthew Dodelson
  • Matthew Philip Mccullough
  • Mattia Dalla Brida
  • Maximilian Attems
  • Michelangelo Mangano
  • Nick Rodd
  • Pablo Bueno
  • Pier Monni
  • Samuel Abreu
  • Shankha Banerjee
  • Shota Komatsu
  • Shouvik Datta
  • Sohyun Park
  • Sophie Renner
  • Tevong You
  • Urs Achim Wiedemann
  • Valentin Hirschi
  • Valerie Domcke
  • Wilke van der Schee
CERN Theory Department Retreat 2021
Zoom Meeting ID
Michelangelo Mangano
Useful links
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Zoom URL