March 31, 2022 to April 1, 2022
Faculty of Science - University of Granada
Europe/Madrid timezone

The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts on indirect detection of dark matter with neutrinos from different experiments: IceCube, KM3NeT, ANTARES, GVD... as well as phenomenologists and theoreticians to discuss the latest advances and future avenues on the indirect detection of dark matter with neutrinos.

This is the third of a series of workshops sponsored by The Global Neutrino Network (GNN):


Where do we stand? Summary of recent dark matter searches by different experiments
Detector parameters: effective volumes/areas, how we calculate them, etc.
Signal MCs: what simulation framework and parameters are we using
Where to look for dark matter (pros/cons): Earth, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters...
New backgrounds, solar atmospheric neutrinos
Planned low energy extensions

UGR Covid-19 protocols and advice:

You have to wear the mask inside all buildings and public transport

Local Organizing Committee:

Sergio Navas (University of Granada), Jose Ignacio Illana (University of Granada), Miguel Gutiérrez (University of Granada), Daniel López Coto (University of Granada)


     .              Ghost Photo at the Faculty "Patio Andaluz"




Faculty of Science - University of Granada
Sala de Claustros
Facultad de Ciencias - Campus Fuentenueva Av. Fuentenueva Granada, Spain
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