31 March 2022 to 1 April 2022
Faculty of Science - University of Granada
Europe/Madrid timezone

Charon: A Tool for Neutrino Flux Generation from WIMPs

Not scheduled
Sala de Claustros (Faculty of Science - University of Granada)

Sala de Claustros

Faculty of Science - University of Granada

Facultad de Ciencias - Campus Fuentenueva Av. Fuentenueva Granada, Spain


Jeffrey Lazar (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Indirect searches for signatures of corpuscular dark matter have been performed using all cosmic messengers: gamma rays, cosmic rays, and neutrinos. The search for dark matter from neutrinos is of particular importance since they are the only courier that can reach detectors from dark matter processes in dense environments, such as the core of the Sun or Earth, or from the edge of the observable Universe. In this contribution, I will introduce χaroν, a package for generating and propagating neutrino yields from dark matter annihilation and decay.


Jeffrey Lazar (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

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