LHCb Starterkit 2021



Ahmed Abdelmotteleb (University of Warwick (GB)), Alessandro Scarabotto (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Anja Beck (University of Warwick (GB)), Lukas Calefice (Technische Universität Dortmund (DE), LPNHE/Sorbonne Université (FR)), Valeriia Lukashenko (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))

The Starterkit is a five day event which will get you ready for analysing LHCb data. This is a hands-on workshop and this year it will be fully virtual and take place over ZOOM. It is recommended to download and run the most recent desktop client to fully benefit from this workshop. We will be using the breakout room feature of Zoom to get individual help from demonstrators during the lessons. If needed the demonstrator could request remote access to your screen to help with your problem.

Join the mattermost team to ask questions any time!

The first part of the Starterkit will be an introduction to the tools you'll use day to day during your PhD, including Bash, Git, snakemake and Python.

The second part will focus on LHCb specific software, tasks and questions. The source material is already partially available on the first analysis steps site.


1. Attendees should make sure to follow the course prerequisites before attending the workshop.

2. Attendees should fill in the pre-training survey survey

Until the workshop, new members to LHCb are invited to follow the content at the analysis-essentials and first-analysis-steps sites.

Feedback Google form: https://forms.gle/mi8iFTnvu4qcqEj48

