IRIS-HEP AGC Tools 2021 Workshop
The IRIS-HEP AGC Tools 2021 Workshop is dedicated to showcasing tools and workflows related to the so-called “Analysis Grand Challenge” (AGC) being organised by IRIS-HEP and partners. The AGC focuses on running a physics analysis at scale, including the handling of systematic uncertainties, binned statistical analysis, reinterpretation and end-to-end optimization. The AGC makes use of new and advanced analysis tools developed by the community in the Python ecosystem, and relies on the development of the required cyberinfrastructure to be executed at scale. A specific goal of the AGC is to demonstrate technologies envisioned for use at the HL-LHC.
The agenda will be composed of hands-on tutorials based on various tools and services developed in the Python ecosystem by and for the particle physics community, and room to discuss the current status of projects and interfaces. This includes chances to discuss and identify things that may be missing to allow you to implement your specific use case in the envisioned workflows.
We expect the following libraries and tools to be included:
The number of participants for this event is limited to ensure the availability of hardware resources for all participants. Preference will be given to participants who have some experience with the ecosystem, and material will be provided ahead of the workshop to cover some basics. We furthermore aim to have a balance in participants between ATLAS and CMS. You are welcome to register also if you are not a member of ATLAS or CMS, however there will be two parallel tracks dedicated to ATLAS and CMS on the second day, without another generic parallel track for members of other experiments.
The deadline for registrations is extended to Nov 1st.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! You can find email addresses of the organizers below.
You can find recordings attached to this agenda for each contribution, or check out the IRIS-HEP AGC Tools 2021 Workshop playlist on YouTube.
Abdualazem Fadol Mohammed
Abhijith Gandrakota
Alessia Saggio
Alexander Held
Andrew Wightman
Andrew Wildridge
Anil Panta
Ankita Mehta
Antoine Baptiste Lesauvage
Austin Edwin Townsend
Benjamin Galewsky
Brent Yates
Brian Omar Cruz Rodriguez
Burt Holzman
Carl Lundstedt
Carlos Maltzahn
Carolyn Gee
Casey Morean
Caterina Doglioni
Charlotte Ann Cooke
Cheng Jiang
Clemens Lange
Cristina Ana Mantilla Suarez
Daniel Ocampo Henao
Daniil Ponomarenko
David Koch
Davide Valsecchi
Doug Benjamin
Edison James Weik
Ekrem Orhan Demiray
Emery Nibigira
Engin Eren
Estefany Nunez
Fengping Hu
Gage DeZoort
Giles Chatham Strong
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
Hamlet Mkrtchyan
Huilin Qu
Ianna Osborne
Ilija Vukotic
Irina Espejo Morales
Jacob Wayne Johnson
Jerry Ling
Jim Pivarski
Judita Mamuzic
Kenneth Bloom
Kilian Lieret
Kyungeon Choi
Lawrence Ng
Leonardo Cristella
Lothar A.T. Bauerdick
Luiz Regis Emediato
Maria Acosta Flechas
Mark Neubauer
Martha Cecilia Duran Osuna
Mason Proffitt
Masoumeh Tavakoli
Massimiliano Galli
Matteo Marchegiani
Matthew Bellis
Matthew Feickert
Matthew James Wilson
Matthias Komm
Michael William Carrigan
Michel Hernandez Villanueva
Mirco Tracolli
Mohammad Mehdi Hajimaghsoud
Muhammad Junaid
Nathan Daniel Simpson
Nick Manganelli
Nick Smith
Nikolai Hartmann
Norman Molina
Ofer Rind
Oksana Shadura
Patrick Koppenburg
Paul Feichtinger
Peter Elmer
Philip Chang
Ram Krishna Dewanjee
Ram Krishna Sharma
Remco de Boer
Robert William Gardner Jr
Rocky Bala Garg
Sayanta Neogi
Sjing-Ge Shiu
Suchandra Thapa
Sudhir Malik
Sukeerthi Dharani
Suzanne Rosenzweig
Tal van Daalen
Thomas Paul
Tomas Atehortua Garces
Tommaso Tedeschi
Torre Wenaus
Tres Reid
Yi-Mu Chen
Yihui Lai
Yongbin Feng
Yuzhan Zhao
Zubair Bhatti