WP5.2 Technical meeting

zoom (CERN)



Zoom Meeting ID
Francois-Xavier Nuiry
Alternative host
Carlotta Accettura
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    • 1
      Minutes of the past meeting
    • 2
      WP5.2 announcements
    • 3
      Material discussion for pick-up buttons for LS3
      Speaker: Joel Daricou (CERN)
    • 4
      Technical update on the UAP design and ongoing technical developments on the FRAS.

      -CATIA update on the UAP Jigs new location (L. Gentini)
      -Update on the switches integration (possible solutions being investigated) (M. Sosin)
      -Update on the WPS sensors quantities to be implemented (M. Sosin)
      -Update on the arguments for the UAP levelling and discussions on what to do for the two prototypes (M. Sosin, J-F. Fuchs)

      Speakers: Jean-Frederic Fuchs (CERN), Luca Gentini (CERN), Mateusz Sosin (CERN)