Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

ATLAS UK Cloud Support



Tim Adye (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), James William Walder (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

Password protected (same as (new) OPs Mtg)

ATLAS UK Cloud Support
Zoom Meeting ID
James William Walder
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL

● Outstanding tickets

  • 153367 TEAM atlas RAL-LCG2 urgent NGI_UK in progress 2021-08-04 11:55:00 HTTPS on RAL CTA WLCG
    • Awaiting update


  • CPU

    • RAL

      • Differences between Score and Mcore resulting in under used slots
    • Northgrid

      • LANCS: 4000 transfering jobs for FTS
    • London

    • SouthGrid

      • OX: Downtime for early next week
    • Scotgrid

      • GLA: Some small issues seen with ceph; now resolved (no obvious impact on output)

● Other new issues / tasks

QMUL:' does not match the expected format(s): '[*/][::ffff:][/*]' (default); exceptions are controlled by the env XrdSecGSISRVNAMES 

● Ongoing Items

  • CentOS7 - Sussex

    • Multi-core appears to work; problems now with single-core
  • TPC with http

  • Storageless Site test (Oxford)

● News round-table

  • Alessandra

    • NTR
  • Patrick

    • NTR
  • Peter

    • Singularity: wrapper in dev
  • Sam

    • NTR
  • Vip

    • Downtime
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:20
      Status 20m
      • Outstanding tickets 10m
        • 153367 TEAM atlas RAL-LCG2 urgent NGI_UK in progress 2021-08-04 11:55:00 HTTPS on RAL CTA WLCG
          • Awaiting update
      • CPU 5m

        New link for the site-oriented dashboard

        • CPU

          • RAL

            • Differences between Score and Mcore resulting in under used slots
          • Northgrid

            • LANCS: 4000 transfering jobs for FTS
          • London

          • SouthGrid

            • OX: Downtime for early next week
          • Scotgrid

            • GLA: Some small issues seen with ceph; now resolved (no obvious impact on output)
      • Other new issues / tasks 5m

        QMUL:' does not match the expected format(s): '[*/][::ffff:][/*]' (default); exceptions are controlled by the env XrdSecGSISRVNAMES 

    • 10:20 10:40
      Ongoing Items 20m
      • CentOS7 - Sussex

        • Multi-core appears to work; problems now with single-core
      • TPC with http

      • Storageless Site test (Oxford)

    • 10:40 10:50
      News round-table 10m
      • Alessandra

        • NTR
      • Patrick

        • NTR
      • Peter

        • Singularity: wrapper in dev
      • Sam

        • NTR
      • Vip

        • Downtime
    • 10:50 11:00