DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom


1) Pending problems

1.1) Pending problems reported by Sang Hyun Ko:
     - Cannot setup Birk's constant as material property.
     - No analogy to G4PVParametrized. Unclear if a solution is possible.
1.2) Add GFlash parameterisation to DDG4 (issue #802).
1.3) Problems with ROOT-python compatibilities (issue 842)
1.4) Difficulty properly aligning daughter volumes with trap #837
1.5) DDG4: isotropic gun distribution also forces uniform momentum distribution #862
[CMS] Certain warnings not needed because they report intended behavior #844
       To be verified.

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems

2.1) DD4hep ignores tiny rotation for placed volume #870 (Markus Frank)
2.2) Multiple readouts or G4VUserParallelWorld equivalent
#861 (Markus Frank)
Export of ROOT geometry to CAD #858 (Markus Frank)
2.4) Extend/inherit visualization attributes. #841 (Whitney Armstrong)
2.5) Use G4OpticalParameters to set Cerenkov/Scintillation parameters #869 (Wouter Deconinck)
2.6) [gdmlFile] optionally import physvol below top level #860 (Wouter Deconinck)
DDSim: add possibility for users to inject their own output plugins #863 (Andre Sailer)
2.8) New release:  1.18 (Andre Sailer)

3) Round table

3.1) Carl:  All OK for CMS.
3.2) Andre: --
3.3) Frank: Waiting for GFlash ... will need some patience there ...

4) AOB

Next meeting: 2 weeks    30.September.2021

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    • 15:30 15:50
      Around the table 20m