CLICdp + Key4hep Software Discussion

304/1-007 (CERN)



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Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 211005: Software Meeting


Present: Andre, Benedikt, Valentin, Placido


## Proceedings/Talks/etc.

* EPS-HEP Proceedings, deadline October 15
* ILCX abstract, October 10
* Lepton-Photon Symposium accepted

## MC Generators

## CLICDet Delphes Card

## Simulation

* Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Maybe different input (not pt, but energy)?
    * Different Theta range, 0-90 degrees before, 0-180 degrees now

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

### Event Display

### FlavourTagging

### Long-Lived Particle

### dE/dX

### LCGeo Test

## Infrastructure

### Sanitizers/Compilers

## iLCDirac


* add key4hep-stack to config  (gaudiapp)
    * k4run executable (modifiable)
    * Test Clic Reco With GaudiWrapper inside iLCDirac
        * InputFiles
            * --EventDataSvc
            * --LcioInput
        * RandomSeed
            * Not fully implemented in vanilla Gaudi
            * Should implement something in Gaudi like the randomseeder in Marlin
        * OutputFile
            * PodioOutput
        * CompactFile
            * -->GeoSvc (to come to k4Sim)
        * NumberOfEvents
            * -n , --ApplicationMgr.EvtMax

* Andre will present at the next FCC software meeting this Friday

## Key4hep

* build with gentoo-prefix almost working, except some packages
    * header, include things
    * whizard2 tricky
    * Maybe not enought support/maintenaince for gentoo-prefix to be production quality

### Gaudi

* Make a service optional/disable in config file: Ticket with Gaudi

### CI

* CVMFS deploy from gitlab:
    * --> Need to re-open the ticket (Valentin)
    * gitlab-runner  was missing permissions
        * New ticket:
        * IT will fix the gitlab integration on another repo and then replay the steps on sw.hsf{-nightlies}.org

* Problem with Gaudi v36, moved stack back to v35
* Nightly build OK now

### Environment Script

### View

### key4hep-spack/spack

### podio

### EDM4hep

* [ ] UserClasses, discuss in podio/edm4hep meeting if direct access to underlying pods is possible or desirable
    * [ ]
    * [ ] Needs to be merged so that userfloat etc. functionality in  k4FWCore can be replaced by it

* Test writing sample event data:
    * Incomplete, e.g., TrackCollection not written
    * Would also be useful for testing EDM4hep <-> LCIO Conversion

* TrackerHit"Wrapper"

### k4FWCore

### k4MarlinWrapper

* geoSvc to replace MarlinDD4hep
    * Need to set the GlobalTrackerReadoutEncodingStringID

### spack


Opened PRs for a bunch of improvements:
* [ ] fixes to fetching fastjet
* [ ] special "commit" version for nightlies

* Compiling everything with clang(12)
    * Issue with "base" packages, mesa
    * Requires patches for some packages to existing versions

## FCCee Detector Model

## SCT Integration

## Documentation Update

* Take a look at Benedikt's changes
* TODO: add link

## AOB

### Next Meeting

October 12, 2021, 13:00



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