27 June 2022 to 2 July 2022
University of Ioannina (GR)
Europe/Athens timezone

The Conferences on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY) are amongst the world's largest international gatherings of particle physicists focused on new ideas related to fundamental interactions of elementary particles.

The aim of the SUSY conference is to review and discuss recent research in theoretical, phenomenological, astrophysical and experimental aspects of supersymmetric theories and all other approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model.

The 29th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY-2022) is organised by the University of Ioannina in Greece.


Click the image below to download the SUSY 2022 poster.

Click to download the SUSY 2022 poster

University of Ioannina (GR)
Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”
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