4D particle tracking with monolithic silicon pixel sensors in SiGe BiCMOS
The potential benefit of combining precise timing measurement with state-of-the-art tracking capability has become clear to the high-energy physics community, with applications ranging from pile-up suppression to time-of-flight and support to fast tracking algorithms. All these features ultimately open the possibility to new experiments.
The development of ultra fast silicon pixel detectors with tens-of-picosecond time resolution is a design challenge that requires adding a new level of complexity to the existing tracking devices. Introducing a new feature on an existing detector technology requires accepting a trade-off on other parameters: the cost may be increasing the power consumption, reducing space resolution or losing sensitivity to the smallest signals.
An effective way to extend the parameter space available to designers is adopting SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) for signal amplification on a SiGe BiCMOS platform. The R&D started in 2015 at the University of Geneva on monolithic silicon pixel detectors in SiGe BiCMOS showed that they can combine state-of-the-art timing and tracking capability without added cost in power consumption. The results of this research and the future perspectives for fast pixel detectors will be discussed.
Michel De Cian, Maarten van Dijk, María Vieites Díaz