Future Applications
- Merlin Kole (Universite de Geneve (CH))
The Gamma-ray Burst Localizing Instrument (GALI) is a new concept for localizing γ-ray bursts (GRBs), by utilizing the mutual occultation between numerous small scintillators. In a sense, the method is similar to the coded mask aperture, only that the mask itself is composed of detecting scintillators, so that most of the photons are being detected. The large number of scintillators...
Terzina is a satellite base Cherenkov telescope designed to operate at ~535 km altitude with sun-synchronous orbit. Its primary goal is to probe the new concept of detecting ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos by observing Cherenkov light from an extensive shower produced in the atmosphere. It is part of the NUSES space mission with a wide scientific program. Also, the mission includes...
The Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) dominate the X-ray fluxes over the sky, as it is believed to be a superposition of numerous discrete sources, which are primarily Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). The CXB intensity therefore offers an unique probe to study the AGN population. Limited by background modeling and (cross) calibration issues, the uncertainty of the CXB measurements remain currently...
MoonBEAM and StarBurst are two novel SmallSat designs for missions in the field of gamma-ray astronomy. Given their size constraints, these types of spacecraft highly favor the use of SiPMs over PMTs in their scintillation-based detector designs. However, the one major problem for SiPM detector designs is operational lifetime given that SiPM power draw increases significantly with radiation...
Neutrons and γ-rays are produced throughout the heliosphere and offer a unique window to understanding the fundamental processes of energetic particles. At the Sun, because neutrons and γ rays are produced by the interaction of accelerated ions in solar eruptive events, they can further our understanding of space-weather agents, processes and effects. Neutron measurements from 20-150 MeV...
In this talk I discuss three proposed space-based missions covering a variety of astroparticle physics science topics: the AMEGO-X MIDEX-class all-sky medium-energy gamma-ray telescope, the TIGERISS Pioneers-class cosmic-ray telescope for measuring nuclear abundances over a very wide range of charges, and the developing GECCO concept combining a Compton telescope with a deployable coded mask...