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EP-ESE Electronics Seminars

The Curious Case of VTRx Receiver Failures

by Lauri Olantera (CERN)


Zoom details are in the invitation email.

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The Versatile Link transceiver (VTRx) is a part of the bi-directional radiation-resistant optical data link designed by the Versatile Link Common Project for high-energy physics experiments. Its production started in 2016 and by the end of the production in 2018 over 18,000 VTRx transceivers had been manufactured. During the first year of use by the early adopters and after larger scale commissioning started in 2020, concerns arose regarding the reliability of the transceiver. After user reports on receiver stability issues, intensive investigations were started. This seminar will describe the work carried out by the various partners in order to understand the reported issues. The findings along the way up to the most recent test results will be shown. The final conclusions on the root cause and implemented mitigation measures will also be presented.