3 December 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

CMS Guides

CMS guides for your virtual visit:

Wolfgang Adam 

Wolfgang Adam is a senior researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He joined the CMS collaboration well before the start of LHC operations and contributed important parts of the software used in the reconstruction of charged particles in the silicon tracker. With the beginning of LHC data taking, his focus shifted to data analysis. He acted for many years as leader of the CMS physics analysis group at his home institution and he has occupied several positions in the physics management of the collaboration.


Michael Hoch

Michael Hoch, visiting professor at FSU Tallahassee University in Florida/ USA.  I studied in Vienna/ Austria and came to CERN to make my PhD 26 years ago. Since than I was working as physicist at CERN for various universities constructing the ALICE TPC field cage and installed the CMS Si Tracker. The last 10 years I focused on the cross disciplinary science and art engagement and networking program ORIGIN: https://mhoch.web.cern.ch/Art@CMS/ORIGIN_September_2021.pdf

Archana Sharma

Archana Sharma is a Senior Scientist at the CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. She has been active in the field since 1989 mainly working on instrumentation especially gaseous detectors. She is the pioneer of simulations and experimentation on wire chambers, resistive plate chambers and micro-pattern gaseous detectors over last three decades. Following a graduate degree in Nuclear Physics from BHU Varanasi, India, Archana received her Particle Physics Ph.D. from Delhi University in 1989, followed by an “Instrumentation for High Energy Physics” D.Sc. from the University of Geneva in 1996. Sharma also earned an executive MBA degree from the International University in Geneva in 2001. She is an internationally recognized expert for her experimental work on gaseous detectors for research in High Energy Physics. Archana has worked on several CERN experiments both on R&D being involved in designing and prototyping, and on running laboratories for construction, installation and commissioning of large scale gaseous detectors. She is the founder and leader of CMS GEM Collaboration, for exploiting one of the most sensitive detectors for trigger and tracking in the CMS Experiment at LHC, with the highest discovery potential.  Archana also runs an NGO called Life Lab Education and Research Foundation with the objective to create partnerships with educational institutions for the benefit of the underprivileged students mainly in India: www.lifelab.org.in


CMS virtual visits technical experts:

Noemi Beni

Zoltan Szillasi


Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics

During the last 20 years they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS

Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.