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31 May 2022 to 2 June 2022
Princeton University
US/Eastern timezone

Track Fitting for GNN Tracking Pipelines

Not scheduled
Princeton University

Princeton University

Plenary YSF Plenary


Dominika Karwiec (Warwick)


There have been several successful examples of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) applied to the problem of charged particle tracking, including in high-density environments like that of the HL-LHC. Many of these applications have focused on edge-classifying GNNs that are a component of a multi-step pipeline including graph construction, GNN inference, and clustering on the classified edges. Recently, there has been growing interest in so-called 'one-shot' tracking architectures that could integrate some or all of these steps and translate directly from a point cloud or graph to a list of identified tracks and their physical parameters such as p_t, eta, and displacement. In this work we study different track fitting schemes as a component of a GNN tracking pipeline. We introduce a conformal space fast parabolic fit and evaluate its performance on track candidates produced by an edge-classifying GNN tracking pipeline. We then compare the performance of this fit to a GNN-based track-parameter prediction model and assess the feasibility of including these both of these fitting mechanisms in a one-shot GNN-based tracking model.

Consider for young scientist forum (Student or postdoc speaker) Yes

Primary authors

Dominika Karwiec (Warwick) Savannah Jennifer Thais (Princeton University (US)) Gage DeZoort (Princeton University (US))

Presentation materials

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