In 2022, at the beginning of the LHC Run 3, the LHCb DAQ and software trigger will reconstruct events at an average bunch crossing rate of 30 MHz. In view of future upgrades steps should be taken towards exploitation of an heterogeneous computing model, in which dedicated co-processors, highly optimised for specific tasks, are used in the same DAQ infrastructure. In order to investigate viable solutions, LHCb has established a co-processor testbed integrated within the current LHCb DAQ system. In this testbed new computing solutions for real-time event reconstruction can be developed and evaluated using live Run3 data in parasitic mode. We will give an overview of the testbed itself and the activities it hosts. Moreover, we will focus on its most advanced project: a highly-parallelized custom tracking processor, "Artificial Retina", implemented in state of the art FPGA devices connected by fast serial optical links.
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