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HEP-SCORE deployment TF meeting #27



Helge Meinhard (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:05
      Welcome, note-taking, notes from previous meeting 5m
    • 16:05 16:10
      Short updates on workloads and benchmark runs 5m
      Speakers: Domenico Giordano (CERN), Gonzalo Menendez Borge (CERN)

      Benchmarking Collection Campaign

      1. The end of the campaign is nearing
        • Most of the sites have already finished 🏁
        • 3 sites running the last HEPscore scripts
        • 1 site is still in SPEC. Hurry up! ⏰
      2. Check machine configurations for missing entries
        • Screenshot attached
        • If the machine model is available, help is appreciated even if you have completed the campaign 😃

      HEP-Workloads readiness

      1. IGWN:
        1. Validated. Ready to be executed for the 'matrix'
        2. Clarification needed about the limit of 80% of load reached (Josh is checking with the IGWN sw developers)
      2. Alice gen-sim-reco
        1. Reco step continues to fail. Alice experts are investigating.
        2. Meanwhile the Alice gen-sim-digi WL container image has been released
          1. Validation of Alice gen-sim-digi already started
      3. Atlas real-reco
        1. New WL proposed by Atlas.
        2. Build procedure in place, but still fails for an issue in the Atlas DB file (being fixed by Walter)
    • 16:10 16:55
      Analysis of benchmark results 45m
      Speaker: Randall Sobie (University of Victoria (CA))
    • 16:55 17:00
      Any other business 5m