During the run III of the LHC, the forward experiments FASER$\nu$ and SND@LHC will be able to detect the Charged Current (CC) interactions of the high energy neutrinos of all three flavors produced at the ATLAS Interaction Point (IP). This opportunity may unravel mysteries of the third generation leptons. We build three models that can lead to a tau excess at these detectors through the...
We investigate the observed muon deficit in air-shower simulations when compared to ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) data. We assume that the enhancement of strangeness production in high-energy hadronic collisions reported by the ALICE Collaboration is the keystone to resolve the muon anomaly and study the concomitant $\pi \leftrightarrow K$ swap impact on the shower development. We...
We consider the nonminimal quartic inflation in a classically conformal $U(1)_X$ extended SM. We show that if the inflaton mass and its mixing angle with the SM Higgs field lie in a suitable range, the FASER experiment can search for the inflaton at the High Luminosity (HL)-LHC. Also because of the classical conformal invariance, the inflationary predictions and the LHC search for the $U(1)_X$...
We consider a general, anomaly free U$(1)^\prime$ extension of the Standard Model (SM) where the neutrino mass is generated at tree level from the inverse seesaw mechanism.
After U$(1)^\prime$ symmetry breaking the mass of a neutral beyond the SM (BSM) gauge boson $(Z^\prime)$ is originated which can be produced it at high energy colliders.
The model contains three generations of heavy...
There are no neutrino cross-section measurements from 400 GeV to 10 TeV. Nevertheless, experiments like FASERnu estimate interaction rates that will allow us to measure the cross section in this unexplored region. Neutrinos with energies above a few hundred GeV will primarily interact via Deep Inelastic Scattering. We compare different model predictions in this energy range.
Neutrino experiments of the FPF will be able to measure different types of neutrino interactions due to its broad energy range. In this talk, we discuss neutrino cross sections in the transition region between the shallow- and deep- inelastic scattering focusing on the impact of $W_{min}$ and $Q^2$.
The searches of axion-like particles (ALP) are strongly motivated by the general dark sector, strong CP problem and axiom quality problem etc. We focus on the gluonic coupling to ALP which is relevant to the strong CP puzzle and is of great importance. We propose the axion as the bremsstrahlung radiation off the proton in the typical proton-proton collision which has not been incorporated in...